Accessible Eastbourne

Access information for visitors to Eastbourne.

Eastbourne’s tourist information service, Visit  Eastbourne, includes hotels, shops, cafes, bars and venues in the town. Access information is listed on each entry where available.

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Eastbourne Access Group’s Charter

We will:

Promote awareness that disabled people are equal citizens. Take positive action to end all forms of prejudice against disabled people. Ensure that people feel safe and comfortable in our places and spaces. Work with others to create an inclusive and accessible environment.

Campaign and influence decision makers within the Borough of Eastbourne and surrounding areas to make places, buildings, spaces, and information, including websites, fully accessible to disabled people living with any impairment.

Promote and establish the principle that the inclusion takes place of disabled people in a timely manner throughout planning processes, consultations, and implementation of projects. This includes for example the full involvement of disabled people in access audits of buildings and services and in the decision-making processes following audits. Disabled people living with the full range of impairments should be included and consulted. Inclusion should be based on the principle of nothing about us without us.

Nothing about us without us

Campaign for local commercial businesses and premises, organizations, and public services (including all transport services) to be made completely accessible to disabled people living with the full range of physical, sensory, learning, cognitive and mental health impairments.

Work in partnership and campaign with other national and local disability groups. This includes working proactively with non-impairment-based organizations who share our equality and inclusion principles.