Our trustees
Possability People is led by its trustee board, some of whom identify as disabled. We describe this as being a 'user led' organisation.
What do Trustees do?*
Trustees ensure their charity has a clear strategy, and that its work and goals are in line with its vision, putting beneficiaries first.
Trustees don’t usually do the day-to-day running of the charity, delegating this to the staff. Instead, they play the role of a ‘critical friend’ to the Chief Executive by giving support and by challenging – in a supportive way – to help them manage effectively.
What about Possability People’s trustees?
As well as providing strategic direction to Possability People, our trustees ensure we comply with our governing document (known as our Memorandum and Articles of Association), charity law, company law and other relevant legislation or regulations.
Possability People’s Memorandum and Articles of Association, June 2016
Our trustees are usually elected by our members at our AGM each year, however new trustees can be co-opted to the board at any time in the year.
Our Trustees
- Maddy Hamp (Chair)
- Mark Green (Vice Chair)
- Carmen Yau
- Gerry Zarb
- Josh Hough
- Samantha Oakley
Can I become a trustee?
Most likely, yes! Anyone over 18 can apply to be a trustee with us and you find out more via the links and our application pack below.
In particular we are looking for disabled people or those living with health conditions to join our trustee board, but will happily consider applications from those without lived experience of disability.
Why become a trustee?
Watch this short film to find out more on becoming a trustee:
What are the benefits of being a trustee?
Being a trustee can be very rewarding. As a trustee you have the chance to support and shape the work and strategic direction of an organisation, and you can make a significant difference to a cause that matters to you.
Being a trustee offers the opportunity for professional development. It can let you gain experience of strategy and leadership, and boost your CV. Trustees often say that being a board member has been one the richest sources of learning in their professional lives.
As a trustee, you are part of a team and will have the opportunity to apply your unique skills and experience while learning from others. Working closely with a passionate team of people who have different perspectives is often one of the most enjoyable aspects of the role.
Find out more about becoming a trustee:
Apply to join our board of trustees
*source: https://reachvolunteering.org.uk/guide/become-trustee