Possability People are positive about mental health
Possability People have successfully achieved the Mindful Employer Mental Health Charter after completing an assessment in December.
Possability People have successfully achieved the Mindful Employer Mental Health Charter after completing an assessment in December.
The organisation’s proactive and collaborative approaches and individualised support were recognised, together with the number of mental health first aiders the organisation has.
“Being a mindful employer verifies our commitment to supporting people experiencing mental ill health, who can often face discrimination at work”.
Having signed the ‘Charter for Employers Positive about Mental Health’, Possability People are committed to creating a supportive and open culture, where colleagues feel able to talk about mental health confidently and aspire to appropriately support the mental wellbeing of all staff.
As an employer, we have made an on-going commitment to:
- Provide non-judgemental and proactive support to staff experiencing mental ill health.
- Not make assumptions about a person with a mental health condition and their ability to work.
- Be positive and enabling towards all employees and job applicants with a mental health condition.
- Support line managers in managing mental health in the workplace.
- Ensure we are fair in the recruitment of new staff in accordance with the Equality Act (2010).
- Make it clear that people who have experienced mental ill health will not be discriminated against, and that disclosure of a mental health problem will enable both the employee and employer to assess and provide the right level of support or adjustment.
A recent global study showed that 34% of people leaving a job cited “uncaring and uninspiring leaders” as the deciding factor.
The review stated: “Again, it’s reassuring to read that you are already following this best practice and conducting an annual staff survey. “I can see from both your 2020 and 2022 reviews, that your organisation makes tangible efforts to keep physical and mental health on an equal footing, maintaining the profile of both.
“Thank you for your continued commitment to staff wellbeing. It’s positive to read that even after 5 years as a Charter signatory, you continue to reflect upon, and adapt your approach to supporting staff mental wellbeing”.
You can find out more about the Mindful Employer Charter at https://www.mindfulemployer.dpt.nhs.uk/