Take a walk (or scoot) in Advice Centre shoes
Queen’s Award-winning disability charity, Possability People, are embarking on a 10k walk to raise vital funds for its Advice Centre, which earlier this year lost most of its funding due to health service cuts. The walk takes place on Tuesday 10 September 2019.
The Advice Centre offers essential support to more than 4500 people each year. It offers a telephone service to help disabled people and people with long term health conditions in need of help and advice. It is also setting up a new service especially to help disabled people who have lost their benefits or allowances through austerity reforms.
The sponsored walk is part of an annual event, ‘The Brighton Legal Walk’, which sees teams from legal companies across the city leave the Magistrates Court, is led by District Judge David Pollard. It will take a scenic route along the seafront, turning in to finish at Hove Town Hall.
Possability People are looking for other walkers to join them and collect sponsorship, sponsors for their own team, or local businesses to take part and help raise funds. Scooters or wheelchairs can be provided free of charge for anyone with mobility needs.
“Our Advice Centre drop-in service has had such an incredible impact over the years, despite having to survive on a shoe-string budget,” says Possability People chief executive Geraldine Des Moulins. “With the recent loss of 85 per cent of its modest funding from the Brighton & Hove Clinical Commissioning Group, there’s simply no way the drop-in service can survive, leaving many, often highly vulnerable people with nowhere left to turn to.
“The enthusiasm of The Advice Centre team to raise money for their own service speaks volumes of their commitment, dedication and overwhelming desire to help disabled people in the city. I will be walking with them to show my own appreciation of their efforts.”
Possability People is the only local charity offering a pan-impairment advice service.
The Brighton Legal Walk takes place on Tuesday 10 September 2019. It starts at Brighton Magistrates Court at 5.30pm.
More information is available from Sharon Rose at Possability People’s Advice Centre. Email sharon@possabilitypeople.org.ukor telephone 01273 894040.