Brighton and Hove Mental Health Lived Experience Meeting

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Do you have experience of mental health services in Brighton & Hove or do you care for someone who does?

We support people who have lived experience of using mental health services to influence decision-makers. The Mental Health Lived Experience Advisory Group has been meeting for 18 months to discuss and feedback their experiences of local mental health services to mental health commissioners and staff.

The group would like to open out this invitation to join them to share what we have been discussing and to give you an opportunity to share your thoughts with them. We also want to let you know more about the Community Mental Health Transformation Programme and how it is working to develop local mental health services.

We believe that people who have experienced mental health services are well placed to inform decision-makers about what worked well or what worked less well for them. By sharing this feedback, commissioners and other people planning services have better information to develop and improved what they do.

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